大学发展壮大 可持续发展的未成年人

“我知道。 a while I wanted to work in the rene户外可持续发展课程wable/alternative energy industry, but I didn’t feel like I had that opportunity prior to this minor. 的 可持续性 minor completely opens that door for me to enter the energy transition sector.”

That’s how Amber McInerney ’24 feels. And that’s why she chose to minor in 可持续性. 

“Climate change has become a real threat to everything we know here on Earth, 我们唯一的家,”她说。. “Since we are only beginning to explore how to heal the planet, engineers with sustainability knowledge and background are crucial to the energy transition sector.”

可持续性 is one of two new minors, both interdisciplinary, Kettering introduced this year. 

“What makes this exciting is the connection between social science, 人文和技术解决方案,”医生说。. Babak Elahi, Dean of the 理学院 and 文科. “To be innovative with values-based solutions.”

户外可持续发展课程multidisciplinary curriculum includes courses in biology, 化学, 化学工程, 机电一体化, 电气工程, 历史, 文学, 哲学社会科学.

Dr. 苏珊高人气的, Chemical Engineering Department Head and Associate Professor, 伊拉希也有同感.

“Students studying sustainability from this type of multidisciplinary approach will be equipped with the mindset necessary to address issues like climate change, 自然资源枯竭, and environmental degradation in their careers,”她说。. 举个例子, in the development of materials like batteries or semiconductors, with the limited availability of natural resources, future engineers will need to design new sustainable materials, develop smart manufacturing with minimal waste and incorporate recycling practices to recover and reuse elements of these devices.” 

As industries continue to move toward sustainable manufacturing practices and materials, Elahi said it’s the ideal time for the University to add this minor.

That’s an observation McInerney also made when considering the minor.

“I chose 可持续性 as a minor to both take courses that are related to sustainability itself and make my degree stand out compared to other engineers with the same degree title,”她说。.

Her favorite 可持续性 class so far has been Hybrid Electric Vehicle Propulsion.

“Since I co-op at an electric vehicle manufacturer, it was fascinating to learn about the inner workings of items I’ve already seen,麦金纳尼说, who is majoring in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering.

After graduation, she plans to work in the energy transition field. 目前, 她是里维安的合伙人, an electric vehicle manufacturer and automotive technology company, working in failure analysis investigating failures from the field and throughout product development.

“I haven’t decided if I want to pursue researching new renewable sources or help people and/or businesses transition from fossil fuel sources to renewable/alternative energy sources,麦金纳尼说.

不管她最后在哪里, McInerney feels this minor positions her for success and to be part of the solution.

“Earth needs more brilliant minds to help tackle the climate crisis,”她说。, “and when more of us explore the realm of sustainability together, 我们将帮助我们的世界发展.”